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#050 Learning to sew in your fifties

Writer's picture: sewmuchmorefunsewmuchmorefun

with special guest Melanie Keane

Episode Summary

When you hear the long list of different clothes that Melanie Keane has made it's hard to believe that she only started sewing when the UK Prime Minister announced the lockdown in 2020.

When I was planning for Season 2 of the Sew Mindful podcast I asked the Sew Much More Fun facebook group what topics they would like to hear about. Mel responded and said that it would be good to talk about the challenges of buying fabric as she had had some bad experiences and learnt a lot from them.

I was intrigued to hear about Mel's experiences and thought you might be too. So I was delighted that when I asked if she would be a guest on the podcast to share her thoughts, she agreed.

We ended up covering a lot more than just buying fabrics in our chat and I had such fun learning more about Mel and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

In this episode you will hear:

  • how Mel started sewing

  • how she inspired her family to get involved in sewing too

  • the patterns that Mel used to get started with dressmaking

  • her experiences and tips when buying fabrics

  • her tips on learning dressmaking techniques as a pattern tester

  • Mel's favourite patterns

  • Mel's favourite fabric shops

  • the benefits of sewing kits and where to get them

  • the impact of dressmaking on Mel's style and confidence

  • Mel's community project and how you can help

Links and resources mentioned

Connect with Melanie Keane:

Instagram: @melaniekeane

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I always love to hear about you trying out what you pick up from these episodes so do let me know:

Thank you so much for listening and for all your support. x

* this post contains affiliate links. This means if you use these links to buy something I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I would/do use myself and all opinions expressed are my own. Read full privacy policy for more information.

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