Adjust sewing patterns to
your body shape
to make great fitting clothes
Frustrated that the clothes you make don't fit?
Learn how to assess your body and custom-size
patterns so that you can enjoy making clothes
that feel great to wear.
Download my FREE 5 Tips for a Better Fit guide
to get started.
Ways to get started

Sew Mindful Podcast
Want some company while working on your sewing projects?
Want expert tips and inspiration from other sewists who have been through what you are going through and can share tips that helped them?
You do!
Well the Sew Mindful podcast is a great way to get a dose of sewing tips and chat to keep you company wherever you are.
With amazing guests and covering a wide range of sewing topics that will give you confidence and help take your sewing skills to the next level!
Sewing, Style & Fitting Tutorials
Sewing patterns can seem really complicated when you first get started.
How do you figure out which size to choose?
How can I test it out to see if it fits?
How do I change the length or make bits bigger or smaller?
Get started with my Tuesday Techniques video series which takes you through the basics of using and adjusting sewing patterns based on your own body shape and size.

"I came along to the 2-day dress making workshop yesterday & I wanted you to know how brilliant Jacqui was at leading the session. She did a really good job at getting the balance between learning new stuff & also instructing you how to create the dress. Just thought it was worthwhile feeding back as it was exceptional. And I’m wearing the dress today at work ! I’d definitely attend one of Jacqui's sessions in the future."
Helen W

Who is
Jacqui Blakemore?
An eternal student of all things sewing, Jacqui loves to share her passion with others, teaching and encouraging anyone wanting to get started.
"It's got to be fun otherwise what's the point?"
She has a knack of simplifying the steps to make clothes that fit and encouraging you every step of the way